Thursday, December 22, 2011

Final Notes

            I’ll go ahead and admit it, I almost forgot about tonight’s blog.  It’s been happening a lot since I switched to the every other week schedule.  Add late nights (or night as the case may be), a new job, and the holidays and you have a good mix to forget.  It’s also possible that I wasn’t quite ready to write this blog.  This is the final blog for ‘Ritas and Rants.  As we turn toward a new year, so too I’m turning toward new endeavors.  My experiment with thirty days of writing is going quite well, I’ve managed to write for twenty-one days now.  I’m excited about how important my writing has become.  With that in mind one might ask than why would you stop writing ‘Ritas?  Because my friends, it’s time. 
         I loved writing ‘Ritas and Rants.  It took me to a new level with my writing.  I stepped out and allowed myself to be vulnerable with my writing.  It was a difficult experience to say that least.  All of my readers have been so supportive, telling me on Facebook and in person how much they enjoy the blog and what they got out of that weeks blog.  I feel blessed to have so many people supporting me as I travel along my writing journey.  So, if some of my readers are sad at the ending of this blog, have no fear.  The old is always replaced with something new and who knows, it might even be better.  
            I guess the most important thing that I want to say tonight is thank you.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, it doesn’t matter whether you commented on it or not.  I certainly don’t know who you all are, but I am grateful that you took the time out of your day to come and share a moment with me.  For the previous 50 blogs that I have posted I have logged 928 viewers.  That number is astounding to me.  I appreciate every single view.  While I say this is my last post on ‘Ritas, I may use it as a resource to post information about whatever new thing I come up with as obviously not everyone reading is on my Facebook page.  I will keep you informed as things move forward, although there won’t be much to tell until after the start of the new year.
            Now my dear friends the time has come.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  From the deepest place in my heart I thank you for your time and your support.  I am eternally grateful. Happy Holidays to you all and have a wonderful New Year! 

Much Love


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